Complaints and Representations

If you are not satisfied with the service or information provided by ARNECC you can make a complaint. ARNECC will:

  • formally acknowledge your complaint
  • handle your complaint in a manner which is consistent, fair, courteous and respectful of your privacy
  • handle your complaint in accordance with the its Complaints Handling Policy
  • provide you with the reasons for any decisions made in relation to your complaint.

ARNECC treats representations about any aspect of its responsibilities in a similar manner.

Download the current Complaints Handling Policy (PDF, 63.5KB) updated in September 2017.

How to lodge a complaint or make representations


[email protected]

Resolving your complaint or responding to representations

ARNECC will aim to resolve your complaint or respond to your representations within 20 working days However, complicated issues may take longer. If necessary, you will be contacted and advised of the expected timeframe for a resolution or response.